Characteristics of Matter
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Characteristics of Matter
Target Grade: 6-9
This kit allows students to explore the characteristics of matter such as color, odor, solubility, density, alkalinity, acidity, states of matter, texture, boiling point, and melting point. Students also get the opportunity to observe chemical properties of five solutions by observing their reaction with other solutions. From these reactions, students, then determine the names of the two unknown solutions.
Activities included in the manual are as follows:
1. Properties of Matter
2. Properties of Solids
3. Melting Point
4. Solubility
5. Density
6. Chemical Properties
7. Unknowns
8. State of Matter
9. Properties of Liquid
10. Boiling Point
Kit Contains:
Instructor Manual
Special Needs Guide
Methods of Assessment Manual
Material Safety Data Sheet
Spot Plates
Wood Stirrers
0.5 oz plastic bottles with droppers & caps
Blue Litmus
Red Litmus
Ammonia Solution
Baking Soda Solution
Calcium Chloride Solution
Washing Soda Solution
Calcium Chloride Solution
Calcium Carbonate
Sodium Chloride
Minions ipsum butt aaaaaah tank yuuu! Jeje underweaaar gelatooo tatata bala tu belloo! Poulet tikka masala bananaaaa jiji bappleees. Po kass tatata bala tu belloo! Butt butt daa hana dul sae pepete. Chasy belloo! Bappleees po kass belloo! Pepete bananaaaa potatoooo wiiiiiMinions ipsum butt aaaaaah tank yuuu! Jeje underweaaar gelatooo tatata bala tu belloo! Poulet tikka masala bananaaaa jiji bappleees. Po kass tatata bala tu belloo! Butt butt daa hana dul sae pepete. Chasy belloo! Bappleees po kass belloo! Pepete bananaaaa potatoooo wiiiii.